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You are here on purpose.

Both in this moment and on earth. 

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Welcome to 

      ystical Doulas 

Our goal is for you to feel safe, seen, embraced, and empowered. ​​

Mystical Doulas work with individuals to embrace their fertility, release unwanted pregnancies, and gently discharge non-viable pregnancies that have not yet been released from the body. We do so in a compassionate, loving, gentle manner.

Areas of Expertise

Image by Glenn Abelson

Nurturing Fertilization

Supporting individuals experiencing fertility challenges through self-connection and embodiment. We clear emotional blocks and false beliefs to help you connect to yourself, and the soul of a new baby.

Image by Samuel Scrimshaw

Gentle Release

An energetically empowered plan-B type of assistance in shedding a fertilized egg.

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Healing Miscarriage

Compassionately navigating the unfortunate circumstances of a miscarriage that has not naturally released.


Meet Mystical Doulas

Hi, I'm Julz, one of the Mystical Doulas. After creating my Gentle Release experience, where naturally and mindfully released a fertilized egg from my womb, I recognized the importance and necessity of a woman having ownership of her body. My experience led me to create Mystical Doulas, who work with individuals to embrace their fertility, release unwanted pregnancies, and discharge non-viable pregnancies that have not yet been released from the body. I recognize how sensitive the topics of infertility, termination, and miscarriage can be. Mystical Doulas bring compassion, gentleness, and an open, loving heart to each and every person we work with. Remember, you have choice, you are strong, and you are so loved.

Image by J. Balla Photography

To be in connection with the womb, 

is to be in connection with the soul.

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''Julz is an exceptional Mystical Doula who guided me through a challenging experience with warmth and healing. Although I had never met her before, she instantly felt like a best friend. Julz has such a welcoming, friendly, and beautiful energy that made me feel seen and comfortable (. . .). ''

- Carly

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