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Nurturing Fertilization

Are you having a difficult time conceiving? Have you experienced miscarriages? Are you struggling to connect with your fertility? During this session, we will connect with your soul-self, and the soul of your baby-to-be, to better understand the conditions they need in order to be born on Earth. Nurturing Fertilization sessions guide you through the powerfully transformative experience of Medigraytion®, a pioneering form of medical meditation that brings embodied empowerment and loving self-connection.



Initial Consultation: Medical Intuition Session

During this session, we will determine where any possible emotional blocks and self beliefs are, so that we can then make space for the soul of a baby to be born.


Nurturing Fertilization Medigraytion®

Nurturing Fertilization sessions guide individuals through the powerfully transformative experience of Medigraytion®, a pioneering form of medical meditation that brings embodied empowerment and loving self-connection.  


Continuous Support

Mystical Doulas remain available for ongoing support throughout your process. Follow-up sessions provide an opportunity for you to check in and receive support.

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